Occupational Therapists identify and treat children who have challenges in the skills necessary for daily living. This can include any of the following areas: dressing, toileting, fine/gross motor skills, playing, social skills and self-regulation. Treatment strategies include sensory-motor activities, play and functional activities. Children learn best through play, so skills are often learned through play activities.
Treatment options include:
• Regulation of arousal levels
• Refinement of sensory processing
• Development of communication skills
• Enhancement of language and cognitive skills
• Age-appropriate self-care skills
• Motor planning skills • Hand/eye coordination
• Muscle strengthening • Behavior modification
• Sensitivity adjustment • Balance improvement
• Handwriting • Oral Motor/Feeding
Speech Therapists identify and treat children with expressive and receptive language disorders, articulation, social skills, communication, articulation, auditory and language processing disorders, language learning disorders, oral motor and feeding. Speech Therapists also assist families with augmented communication.
Our speech-language pathologists are skilled with addressing speech and language disorders including:
• Communication impairments related to Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Receptive and/or expressive language delay
• Articulation disorder
• Speech and language impairments due to hearing loss
• Fluency disorders/stuttering
• Voice disorders
• Childhood Apraxia of Speech
• Social skills/pragmatic language impairments
Physical Therapists identify and treat problems with gross motor skills, movement patterns, gait/walking, positioning, and posture. Physical Therapists treat using a variety of exercises, activities, hands-on positioning and other techniques. Physical Therapists can assist individuals with identifying and proper use of supportive equipment.
Physical therapy is often beneficial for children who are experiencing:
Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy services are provided individually but also in a small group format. Infants, toddlers and young children are grouped by ability level to provide opportunities to practice emerging skills with others working on mastery of a similar skill set. A small group environment provides vital socialization experiences to toddlers that do not occur in an individual therapeutic model.
Sensory groups provide a comprehensive program involving sensory play activities in a group setting to enhance the development of all children from 0 - 9 years of age. The programs are unique and designed to be implemented by an experienced and qualified Occupational Therapist. Each group session is tailored to a specific developmental age to promote mastery in this level of learning.
Improving a child’s understanding of their sensory systems and how they interact is paramount for a solid foundation of skills. Once mastery has been achieved, the child is able to then focus on more complex and higher learning. This mastery can be achieved during early development through sensory activities as children learn through play.